22nd Salon of Architecture in Novi Sad

Maja Ivanič member of the international jury

On October 15, the 22nd International Salon of Architecture, organized by the Association of Architects Novi Sad - DaNS, was opened in Novi Sad, Serbia. The salon hosts a number of different architectural events and exhibitions, the most important of which is an international exhibition of nominated and awarded architectural projects. The highlight of the Salon is, of course, the awarding of international architectural prizes and recognitions in various categories.

Members of this year's international jury, Daniela Škarica, Dario Kristić, Leonid Nešić, Dragan Marinčić, Srđan Tadić in Maja Ivanič (DESSA), awarded projects in nine categories and confered a grand prix. Three Slovenian projects received recognitions: Beaver Center for Nature Protection in Sotla, architects Andrej Strehovec and Robert Potokar, Renovation of Plečnik's carpentry workshops at Žale in Ljubljana, architects Jože Peterkoč and Mima Suhadolc, and Renovation of the historic center - castro in Ajdovščina, architects Ravnikar Potokar.

Congratulations to all awarded architects!

More on 22nd Salon of Architecture is at https://salonarhitekturenovisad.rs/