We kindly invite you to the opening of the exhibition of Mark Modic paintings, on 17 December at 8 pm. After the opening traditional Dessa New Year party will follow.
Modic's paintings are on sale. In case you are interested in buying you can contact us: + 386 41 79 89 44.
Marko Modic is a renowned Slovene multimedia artist best known for his abstract photography and paintings. His works have been showcased in galleries across the globe, as well as in various publications and monographs.
Amoebix at the AA is devoted to the eponymous Amoebix, multidimensional assistants that Marko initially encountered whilst voyaging through 1990s' wild and untouched Patagonia. No hallucinogenic drugs were involved, we are told. Amoebix can assume countless forms in order to pass through Marko's mind canals until they emerge in the wondrous, strange caverns of his subconscious. There they forage for random tidbits and detritus, bringing them to the forefront to be expressed on paper and canvas. Simply looking at Marko's works reveals a tattered old photograph here, a frayed electrical cable there… and please do not even get us started about the 20-year-old slice of prosciutto encased in clear resin.
Amoebix utilise a hitherto unknown language to communicate, assuming almost hieroglyph-like shapes, tantalising passers-by with their hidden meaning. Marko himself cannot be certain about some words he has expressed onto paper (something to do with a thick Northern accent, we are told), but assures us that the communications are merely attempts at communication between his left and right cerebral lobe. Looking closer at Amoebix and the accompanying texts, an English-speaking reader might be surprised to find entire sentences that almost make sense, eliciting the desire to scratch at one's cerebellum. Monochrome is boring, black and white is dull – you will usually find Amoebix surrounded by a riot of colours and shapes, drawing the onlooker's eye hither and fro as if they were spectating a table tennis match.
Mark Kacar, M.D.
Marko Modic, abstraktni fotograf, slikar in multimedijski eksperimentator
Ko ne smuča 30 metrov pod gladino morja ali v žrelu ugaslega vulkana, Marko Modic občasno tudi fotografira. Te fotografije so bile očitno nekomu všeč, saj so njegova dela visela na stenah velikih ustanov po celem svetu, kot so Centre Georges Pompidou, Barbican, Museo Reina Sofia ...
Subjekti njegovih del so številni, vendar po pravici povedano stranskega pomena – Modicev unikaten zorni kot nam prikaže vsakodnevne predmete v novi luči, impozantne gore in otroške lutke se zlivajo v fotosintezah in tvorijo surrealne, skorajda magične prizore. Njegov največji opus, posvečen elementu vodi, pa z vsakim dnem le raste in čaka, da nas preplavi.
Modic pa ni le fotograf, razstavljena so bila tudi njegova slikarska dela, ki s svojimi alkmističnimi formulami in eksotičnimi elementi v spremljavi glasbe, ki jo je produciral umetnik sam, pričarajo čudovit, čuden svet, ki ga vsak obiskovalec vidi drugače.
Je miren, a nemiren, ekscentričen in prizemljen. Uzreti svet skozi njegove oči, pa tudi če le za trenutek, je izkušnja brez primere.
Institute DESSA architectural center
DESSA gallery
Židovska steza 4
SI-1000 Ljubljana
T +386 1 25 16 010
E galerija@dessa.si
Tuesday – Friday
12:00 – 18:00
DESSA gallery is a member of the Architect Jože Plečnik Fund Assembly and Fund Board, which awards the most important national Plečnik Awards
an Advisory Committee Member, which presents the most important European awards for architecture, the EUmies Awards.
The private institute DESSA architectural center has the status of a non-governmental organization that works in the public interest in the field of culture (Ministry of Culture) and in the field of spatial planning (Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning).
The interior of Gallery DESSA at Židovska steza 4 in Ljubljana, designed by architect Boris Podrecca in 1988, has been declared a cultural monument of local importance in March 25, 2024.