We kindly invite you to the opening of the exhibition on Monday, 1st October 2018 at 8 pm at Dessa gallery.
Exhibition is part of event Mesec prostora/Month of Space, organized every year by Ministry of Republic of Slovenia.
TEM Čatež video, autor Blaž Budja
Promenada Velenje video, autor Miran Kambič
We have before us the update to exhibition Architecture= with the selection of ten projects built between 2014 and 2018. It is an attempt to provide the basic information about the developments in the field of architecture, but it is in fact much more than that. It talks about our relationship to architecture, which is directly linked with our historical and regional tradition.
A review of contemporary Slovene architecture could be regarded as a crop of all the architectural development in Slovenia. But it is not only about that. We have based our selection on the contemporary production of Slovene authors regardless of where their architecture is found. This is a requirement of our time as the borders and the environments are more open than they have ever been, and as Slovenia is becoming an increasingly indispensable part of the common European destiny. This is why the selection includes buildings by Slovene architects which have been constructed beyond Slovenia's borders.
Perhaps even more crucially, the selection is based on the criterion of quality. Granted, architecture is not a quantifiable phenomenon where the measure of quality could be determined by seconds like it is in sport. Perhaps this is the reason for the common, prevalent opinion that architecture hinges on personal judgement - some like it and some don't. But the significance of architecture is too great to see it merely in terms of a popularity contest. We simply cannot escape architecture: we're born in it, go to school in it, work in it, live in it, and ultimately die in it. Consequently, it is very important what quality of living environment architecture provides us with, and at what price. Inferior architecture wastes time, energy, and building materials; quality architecture is priceless as it contributes to a worthy "backdrop to one's life". Architecture transcends the time in which we live, and outlives the architect, the investor, and the state in which it was built. Today, we live in cities built by our ancestors, while our architecture will serve the generations which come after us. The architect's responsibility therefore doesn't end with the investor and the current legislation. In it, we are looking for universal values which will continue to be relevant in the future. This is why the criterion of quality is of utmost importance, regardless of how difficult it is to determine it. It is always possible to choose the better of the two buildings and then establish the coordinates which represent the vantage point. Our selection for the review of contemporary Slovene architecture has considered tried and tested works, which received the most important architectural awards.
Slovenia is a relatively small country where it was only recently that another school of architecture has been established alongside the tradition of Ravnikar's school, and Plečnik's before it, which itself derived from Otto Wagner's tradition in Vienna. This endows Slovene architecture with certain special characteristics of the Central European space, such as the sensibility for the building material and the tending to the detail. In addition, there is also the creative research into new conceptual solutions. Notwithstanding the contemporary globalisation which is blurring the lines of cultures and information, we believe that Slovene architecture has retained its characteristic undertone, which has things to say to the world - things worth hearing.
Andrej Hrausky
Prenova Plečnikove hiše / Renovation of Plečnik House, Ljubljana, 2015
Maruša Zorec, Maša Živec, Matjaž Bolčina
Foto Tadej Bolta
Hiša 3SHOEBOX / House 3SHOEBOX, Ljubljana, 2017
Rok Oman, Špela Videčnik, Andrej Gregorič, Janez Martinčič, Jamie Lee, Lorenzo Conti, Maja Večerina, Sam Eadington, Alexandra Volkov, Aliaksandra Dalmatava, Anastasia Barasheva, Chiara Girolami, Darko Ivanovski, Elisa Ribilotta, Łukasz Czech, José Navarrete Jiménez, Mariangela Fabbri
Photo Tomaž Gregorič
TEM Čatež / TEM Čatež, Čatež, 2018
Blaž Budja, Rok Jereb, Nina Majoranc
Photo Blaž Budja
Kompaktna kraška hiša / Compact Karst house, Vrhovlje, 2014
Aljoša Dekleva, Tina Gregorič, Lea Kovič, Vid Zabel
Photo Janez Marolt
Hiša za preživetje / House for survival, Trebče, Bistrica ob Sotli, 2016
Katja Cimperman, Matej Blenkuš, Anja Cvetrežnik
Photo Miran Kambič
Situla, kompleks stolpnic mešane rabe / Situla, mixed-use tower complex, Ljubljana, 2013
Matija Bevk, Vasa J. Perović, Andrej Ukmar, Christophe Riss, Jure Kozin, Gonzalo Piqueras, Blaž Goričan, Nataša Šprah, Maja Valič, Davor Počivašek, Ida Sedušak
Photo Miran Kambič
Stanovanjski objekt Prule / Residential building Prule, Ljubljana, 2016
Matija Bevk, Vasa J. Perović, Tadej Glažar, Blaž Goričan
Photo Miran Kambič
Vrtec Pedenjped, enota Pedenjcarstvo / Kindergarten Pedenjped, Unit Pedenjcarstvo, Ljubljana, 2018
Maja Ivanič, Anja Planišček, Andraž Intihar, Urša Habič,
Iztok Šušteršič, Nena Gabrovec, Damjan Černe, Andreja Zapušek Černe, Primož Fijavž, Marjan Manček
Photo Miran Kambič
Promenada Velenje in parkirišče Promenada / Promenada Velenje and car park Promenada, Velenje, 2014
Dean Lah, Milan Tomac
Foto Miran Kambič
Paviljon Gösta muzeja Serlachius / Pavilion Gösta Museum Serlachius, Mäntta, Finska / Finland, 2014
Boris Bežan, Mara Partida, Hector Mendoza
Photo Pedro Pegenaute
Selektor Arhitektura= 2014-2018 / Selector Architecture= 2014-2018 Andrej Hrausky
Editors Miha Dešman, Kristina Dešman, Andrej Hrausky, Maja Ivanič, Uroš Lobnik
English Translation Sašo Podobnik
Graphic Design and AD Nena Gabrovec
Poster Design Mojca Kocbek Vimos
Layout MatFormat, Ljubljana
Producer Galerija Dessa, Ljubljana
Print MatFormat, Ljubljana
Copies 200
Publisher Galerija Dessa, Društvo arhitektov Ljubljane, ab-arhitektov bilten
Ljubljana, October 2018
Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor RS
Ministrstvo za kulturo RS
Institute DESSA architectural center
DESSA gallery
Židovska steza 4
SI-1000 Ljubljana
T +386 1 25 16 010
E galerija@dessa.si
Tuesday – Friday
12:00 – 18:00
DESSA gallery is a member of the Architect Jože Plečnik Fund Assembly and Fund Board, which awards the most important national Plečnik Awards
an Advisory Committee Member, which presents the most important European awards for architecture, the EUmies Awards.
The private institute DESSA architectural center has the status of a non-governmental organization that works in the public interest in the field of culture (Ministry of Culture) and in the field of spatial planning (Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning).
The interior of Gallery DESSA at Židovska steza 4 in Ljubljana, designed by architect Boris Podrecca in 1988, has been declared a cultural monument of local importance in March 25, 2024.