Muzej-Museo Lapidarium
in collaboration with DESSA Gallery (Ljubljana) and Miroslav Kraljević Gallery (Zagreb)
Architecture. Sculpture. Remembrance.: The Art of Monuments of Yugoslavia 1945–1991
The opening of the exhibition will be on Saturday, July 10, 2021, at 9 pm in Museum Lapidarium.
In the architecture and art of ex-Yugoslavia, the timeless monuments to the victims of the People's Liberation War stand out. They were designed by Yugoslav architects and sculptors of the highest profile, such as Bogdan Bogdanović, Edvard Ravnikar, Vojin Bakić, Dušan Džamonja, Zdenko Kolacio and many others. Instead of the regime's symbolism, their creations combined the present, the past, mystique, the elements of antique necropolises, ethnography and spatial poetics. On the basis of high architectural and artistic value of the structures and the exceptional contemplative qualities of the spatial designs, the Slovenian curators selected 33 monuments and memorial complexes from all the republics and autonomous provinces of ex-Yugoslavia. This was no easy task as the said territory contains many more exceptional memorial creations. The exhibition, showed in 2020, was prepared in collaboration with experts – authors, photographers and institutions from the ex-Yugoslav region and beyond, which has also laid the foundation for future co-operation.
With the extension of Ljubljana exhibition in 2020, the Museum Lapidarium added some more Croatian monuments, ie. from Pod Beram (Istria), Labin (Istria) and the Memorial Park Dotrščina, Zagreb. In addition to aesthetic and structural innovation, they are further enhanced by the unique, contemporary and advanced artistic language of their creators. Furthermore, the exhibition in Museum Lapidarium is accompanied by original drawings and sketches for Jasenovac's "Stone Flower “ by Bogdan Bogdanović, a database catalogue of the Croatian monuments by Sanja Horvatinčić (2017), the award-winning documentary film 'Monument' by Igor Grubić, and the documentary film 'The Art of Memory' by Jelena Radenović. In addition, we present a special publication 'Architecture. Sculpture. Remembrance. The Art of Monuments of Yugoslavia 1945–1991', published by the Dess Gallery and the AB magazine - Architect's Bulletin, Ljubljana, 2020.
With this exhibition we want to encourage the general public, the local population and those responsible, to a mature and respectful assessment of the artistic, architectural and semantic value of these remarkable spatial sculptures, and thus for their maintenance and preservation. The monuments permanently mirror the past, life and death. And the dignity of memory.
The exhibition is open until August 18, 2021. It can be viewed every day from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m, except Sundays and holidays.
Thank you
We would like to thank everyone who has contributed their knowledge and time and thus helped us to create this exhibition: text writers, photographers, video artists … And to all who have or will in any way contribute to the promotion of the exhibition and the preservation of the monuments.
Curators: Boštjan Bugarič, Kristina Dešman, Maja Ivanič, Špela Kuhar, Eva Mavsar, Špela Nardoni Kovač, Damjana Zaviršek Hudnik
Producer: Gallery DESSA, Židovska steza 4, Ljubljana
Organizer: Galleria DESSA, ab_Arhitektov bilten, DAL, Arhitectuul
Jerica Ziherl, for Museum Lapidarium, Veliki trg 8a, Novigrad-Cittanova, Croatia
with: Renata Kmet, Branko Metzger Šober
The program is supported by: City of Novigrad-Cittanova, The Office for Culture of the Istrian Region, the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia, and Gallery Dessa, Ljubljana
Gallery Miroslav Kraljević (GMK), Šubićeva 29, Zagreb
Opening of the exhibition 'Architecture. Sculpture. Remembrance.: The Art of Monuments of Yugoslavia 1945–1991' will be on August 26, 2021 at 8 p.m. The exhibition will be on view until September 17, 2021.
GMK working hours: Tuesday - Friday: 14¬ - 20; Saturday: 10 – 15. The program is supported by: The Office for Culture of the City of Zagreb and the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia
Muzej-Museo Lapidarium
u suradnji s Galerijom DESSA (Ljubljana) i Galerijom Miroslav Kraljević (Zagreb)
ima zadovoljstvo pozvati vas na izložbu
Arhitektura. Skulptura. Sjećanje. Umjetnost spomenika Jugoslavije 1945.–1991.
Otvorenje izložbe u subotu, 10. srpnja 2021 u 21 sat u Muzeju Lapidarium.
U arhitekturi i umjetnosti svih kulturnih prostora nekadašnje Jugoslavije ističu se bezvremenski spomenici žrtvama narodnooslobodilačke borbe. Njihovi su autori bili najpoznatiji jugoslavenski arhitekti, urbanisti i kipari, poput Bogdana Bogdanovića, Edvarda Ravnikara, Vojina Bakića, Dušana Džamonje, Zdenka Kolacija i mnogih drugih. Umjesto režimske simbolike u svojim autonomnim ostvarenjima isprepleli su suvremenost i prošlost, mističnost i geometriju, arhetipske simbole i nove materijale, arhitekturu i krajobraznu poetiku, historijsku auru mjesta i nove oblike komunikacije s posjetiteljem.
Izložba, koja je prvo predstavljena u Ljubljani u Galeriji Dessa (2020), prikazuje 33 spomenika i/ili memorijalnih kompleksa iz svih republika i autonomnih pokrajina Jugoslavije odabranih na temelju visoke arhitektonske i umjetničke vrijednosti objekata te iznimne kontemplacije krajobraznog prostora. Toj izložbi u Muzeju Lapidarium, dodana su tri spomenika: Spomenik – kosturnica Vladimira Gortana (Pod Beram), Spomenik rudaru borcu (Labin) i Spomen-park Dotrščina (Zagreb), čime dopunjujemo korpus memorijale spomeničke baštine. Osnovne su značajke toga korpusa, pored visokih umjetničkih dosega, je i međuodnos konstruktivnih elemenata spomenika i njegova suodnosa spram prirodnoga krajolika. Iz perspektive spomeničke skulpture nakon Drugog svjetskog rata, upravo su jugoslavenski spomenici jedan od najdojmljivijih monumentalnih ostvarenja. To potvrđuje i izložba Toward a Concrete Utopia: Architecture in Yugoslavia, 1948–1980, održana u njujorškoj MoMI 2018./2019., na kojoj su Spomenik Monuments zauzeli istaknuto mjesto.
Izložbu u Novigradu-Cittanovi prate originalni crteži i skice Bogdana Bogdanovića za jasenovački „Cvijet“, izdvojeni pano o radu i djelima Zdenka Kolacija i Zdenka Sile, kataloška baza podataka spomenika autorice Sanje Horvatinčić (2017), višestruko nagrađivani dokumentarni film Igora Grubića Spomenik (2015) te dokumentarni film Jelene Radenović Umetnost sećanja (2019).
Osim toga predstavljamo i posebnu publikaciju Arhitektura. Skulptura. Spomin. Umetnost spomenikov Jugoslavije 1945–1991./Architecture. Sculpture. Remembrance. The Art of Monuments of Yugoslavia 1945–1991, izdavača Galerije Dessa i revije AB – Arhitektov bilten/Architect's Bulletin, Ljubljana, 2020.
Izložba je otvorena do 18. kolovoza 2021. Može se razgledati svaki dan od 10 do 13 i od 19 do 22 sata, osim nedjelje i praznika.
Kustosi: Boštjan Bugarič, Kristina Dešman, Maja Ivanič, Špela Kuhar, Eva Mavsar, Špela Nardoni Kovač, Damjana Zaviršek Hudnik; Producent: Gallery DESSA, Židovska steza 4, Ljubljana; Organizatori: Galleria DESSA, ab_Arhitektov bilten, DAL, Arhitectuul
Jerica Ziherl, za Muzej-Museo Lapidarium, Veliki trg 8a, Novigrad-Cittanova
suradnici: Renata Kmet, Branko Metzger Šober
Program Muzeja Lapidarium ostvaren je sredstvima Grada Novigrada-Cittanove, Upravnog odjela za kulturu i zavičajnost Istarske županije, Ministarstva kulture i medija Republike Hrvatske i Galerije Dessa, Ljubljana.
In media
05.07.2021: Istra INN: https://istrain.hr/index.php/kultura-arhiva/22894-u-novigradskom-lapidariumu-izlozba-arhitektura-skulptura-sjecanje-umjetnost-spomenika-jugoslavije-1945-1991
10.07.2021: Glas Istre: https://www.glasistre.hr/kultura/muzej-lapidarium-arhitektura-skulptura-sjecanje-umjetnost-spomenika-jugoslavije-19451991-732937
Institute DESSA architectural center
DESSA gallery
Židovska steza 4
SI-1000 Ljubljana
T +386 1 25 16 010
E galerija@dessa.si
Tuesday – Friday
12:00 – 18:00
DESSA gallery is a member of the Architect Jože Plečnik Fund Assembly and Fund Board, which awards the most important national Plečnik Awards
an Advisory Committee Member, which presents the most important European awards for architecture, the EUmies Awards.
The private institute DESSA architectural center has the status of a non-governmental organization that works in the public interest in the field of culture (Ministry of Culture) and in the field of spatial planning (Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning).
The interior of Gallery DESSA at Židovska steza 4 in Ljubljana, designed by architect Boris Podrecca in 1988, has been declared a cultural monument of local importance in March 25, 2024.