2009 Schap! Delavnica in učilnica | Ithuba Community College, Johannesburg, South Africa 
2010 Učilnica in knjižnica | Fakulteta za arhitekturo, UL | Ithuba Community College, Johannesburg, South Africa 
2010 Delavnica | buildCollective, skupnost | Ithuba Community College, Johannesburg, South Africa  
2010 Taxi točka | Taxi Rank buildCollective, skupnost | Magagula Heights Township, Johannesburg, South Africa 
2011 Schap! Učilnica | FH Kärnten | Ithuba Primary School, Johannesburg, South Africa  
2011 Večnamenska dvorana | Fakulteta za arhitekturo, UL | Ithuba Primary School, Johannesburg, South Africa 
2011-13 Igrišče 1 in 2 | buildCollective | Ithuba Primary School / Community College, Johannesburg, South Africa 
2012, Infrastruktura | Fonelisco foundation, buildCollective, skunost | FH Kärnten Igombe, Tansania 
2014 Učilnica Schap! | Mzamba | FH Kärnten, buildCollective | Ithuba Community College Mzamba, Eastern Cape, South Africa 
2015 Most čez Mzambo | 
FH Kärnten, buildCollective, skupnost Mzamba | Eastern Cape, South Africa 

[priložnost] ITHUBA [opportunity]

projects of FH Kärnten, Ljubljana Faculty of Architecture and buildCollective in Africa



ithuba: a Zulu word for opportunity


Ithuba is a name of the schools built in poor areas of South Africa by Austrian, German, Slovene and Swiss students of architecture in cooperation with local people: 'Ithuba Community College' in the shantytownsof Johannesburg (2007-13) and its subsidiary on Indian Ocean (from 2010 on). Both schools are intended for children who grow up in poverty and scarcity of shantytowns with small chances for a good profession and decent life in the future.


Ithuba is also an aim of social projects – construction of schools, community centers – of S2ARCH foundation, European schools of architecture and architectural team buildCollective in Africa.The projects are, globally speaking, a small contribution to achieving the goals ofthe UN Millennium Declaration, but of great importance for the future of some hundreds of African children and other people.


The exhibition is created in collaboration of FH Kärnten from Austria and University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture from Slovenia. It presents projects of Carinthian and Slovene students in both Ithuba schools, construction of the bridge over Mzamba River on Wild Coast and projects of architectural collective buildCollective in South Africa and Tansania.


FH Kärnten, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture, buildCollective, s2arch, Gallery Dessa


Exhibition Design and organization:
Slovene team:
Anja Planišček, Katja Martinčič, Mina Hiršman, Miha Fujs, Jure Kolenc


Austrian team:
Peter Nigst, Jürgen Wirnsberger, Lukas Kral
, Florian Anzenberger, Thomas Harlander