Vrt Kržišnik, Žiri, foto Polona Mlakar Baldasin 
Juta Krulc, 2012, foto Polona Mlakar Baldasin 
Helleborus niger, Cerkniško jezero, 12. 2. 1995 
Skica za ozelenitev dvoriščnega prostora, Sveto, 2013 
Vrt Kržišnik, Žiri, foto Polona Mlakar Baldasin 
Vrt Kržišnik, Žiri, foto Polona Mlakar Baldasin 
Vrt Kosmač, Žiri, foto Polona Mlakar Baldasin 
Vrt Mlakar, Žiri, foto Polona Mlakar Baldasin 
Jutina zasaditev pred Desso, foto Blaž Jamšek 
Jutina zasaditev pred Desso, foto Blaž Jamšek 
Jutina zasaditev pred Desso, foto Blaž Jamšek 
Jutina zasaditev pred Desso, foto Blaž Jamšek 

Center of Architecture and Dessa gallery have organized the exhibition of the original sketches and plans of gardens, designed by famous Slovene architect, Mrs Juta Krulc. Three gardens in Žiri are presented also through the photography of Polona Mlakar Baldasin. The opening speach and presentation was made by mag. Gojko Zupan.


In front of the gallery we have placed two temporary gardens in wooden boxes. The planting was designed by Mrs Juta Krulc and sponsored by Gardener Levičnik.


The exhibition will last until 29 August 2015.



To look, to see, to understand, to feel

Gojko Zupan



Juta Krulc, biography


Juta Zdešar Krulc (1913, Radovljica) studied at the Faculty of Architecture in Ljubljana after finishing the Women Gymnasium in Ljubljana. She graduated in 1937 in the class of prof. Ivan Vurnik with a thesis on Swimming Pool Complex in Radovljica. She passed the public engineer accreditation in Belgrade where she worked in the office of architect Mihajl Nesić until 1940. Between 1953 and 1957 she worked as an assistant of prof. Ciril Jeglič at the Faculty of Agronomy in Ljubljana, assisting at the course Garden Art and Landscape Architecture. During this time she collaborated at planning of Volčji potok botanic garden. In 1955 the Yugoslavian Hydrometeorological Institute in Belgrade published a Phenological Atlas of Yugoslavia with her drawings of plants, plant deseases and bird and animal pests. Her work includes more than 300 ladscape plans for public spaces and private gardens. She supplemented her professional practice with a constant study of Slovenian plants and botanical drawings. First presentation of her work was done in 1993 by Irena Keršič an coworkers at the Marjan Lovšin Gallery in Ljubljana. In 2011 Juta's drawings were exhibited at the 20th anniversary of Omorika garden centre in Muta. In 2012 she received a recognition award for her work in Žiri along with an exhibition of her work and plans for more than 30 gardens in Žiri. Photographies of her realized gardens and landscapes were in recent years published in magazines Ambient, Hiše, Vrtnar, Rože in vrt, Delo in dom, Delo in dom plus and several other publications.