The Power of Youth: Tour of Aleš Kacin's workshop

The Power of Youth. Young Architects in the Field of Design
photo: Vesna Perovnik 

On Friday, 25 February 2022, we visited the shoemaking workshop of Aleš Kacin (AK Alojz Karner) as a part of the current exhibition The Power of Youth. Young Architects in the Field of Design.


Aleš founded the workshop in 2014 in Žiri and named it after his grandfather, shoemaker Alojz Karner. With his work he takes care of preserving almost forgotten design skills and draws attention to the importance of quality and sustainability of products in the fashion industry.


He took us through the entire process of making shoes - from the initial measurement of the foot, intermediate stages of production and all the way to the maintenance of finished shoes. While taking us through different stages he introduced us to different materials, tools and methods of work that he uses.