Together we know best: conversation with the authors

Slovenian engineering and architectural achievements
Portalni objekt predora Karavanke, Hrušica, Jesenice, 1991, Savin Sever s sodelavci, Katarina Bebler, Slovenija projekt 
Okrogla miza v DESSI: Skupaj znamo najbolje, 21. 6. 2023, foto Maja Ivanič 
od leve proti desni: arhitekt Peter Gabrijelčič, gradbeni inženir Viktor Markelj, arhitekt Damjan Bradač, gradbeni inženir Marjan Pipenbaher, moderatorka Kristina Dešman 
od leve proti desni: arhitekta Janez Koželj in Peter Gabrijelčič, gradbeni inženir Viktor Markelj, arhitekt Damjan Bradač, gradbeni inženir Marjan Pipenbaher, moderatorka Kristina Dešman 
od leve proti desni: arhitekta Janez Koželj in Peter Gabrijelčič, gradbeni inženir Viktor Markelj, arhitekt Damjan Bradač, gradbeni inženir Marjan Pipenbaher, moderatorka Kristina Dešman, foto Špela Nardoni Kovač 

On Wednesday, June 21, at 5 p.m. we kindly invite you to DESSA gallery to the conversation with the authors.

At the end of 2022, we prepared in DESSA gallery an exhibition TOGETHER WE KNOW BEST: SLOVENE ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL ACHIEVEMENTS. As part of further events and exhibition hosting we are preparing in the DESSA gallery a round table with the theme creative space design.

When preparing the exhibition, we listed the project selection criteria: placement in space, functionality, technical innovation, sustainability, design and symbolic meaning. We will also discuss the criteria through specific project examples. We will discuss ways of cooperation, especially the creative cooperation of architecture and construction engineering in the field of (re)designing space. Invited guest speakers are: Peter Gabrijelčič, Janez Koželj, Viktor Markelj, Marjan Pipenbaher, Damjan Bradač. The conversation will be led and moderated by Kristina Dešman.