Staircases in the lens of Miran Kambič
Aleksander Bellon: Realka, Vegova ulica 4, Ljubljana, 1871 
Emil Medvešček: Glavna zadružna zveza, Slovenska cesta 41, Ljubljana, 1955 
Milan Mihelič, Branko Simčič: Paviljon hale A, Gospodarsko razstavišče Ljubljana, 1958 
Milan Mihelič, Konstrukta, Dunajska cesta 29, Ljubljana, 1965 
Jože Plečnik: Zbornica za trgovino,obrt in industrijo, Beethovnova ulica 10, Ljubljana, 1927 
Gabrijel Gruber: Gruberjeva Palača, Zvezdarska ulica 1, Ljubljana, 1773 
Vladimir Šubic: Nebotičnik, Štefanova ulica 1, Ljubljana, 1933 
France Tomažič: Fakulteta za materijale in metalurgijo, Aškerčeva cesta 12, Ljubljana, 1937 
Ivan Vurnik, Zadružna gospodarska banka, Miklošičeva cesta 8, Ljubljana, 1922 
Jože Plečnik: Vzajemna zavarovalnica, Miklošičeva cesta 19, Ljubljana, 1928 
Jože Plečnik, Peglezen, Poljanska cesta 1, Ljubljana, 1935 

Architectural gallery Dessa presents 9 architectural projects of young generation of Catalan and Balearic architects – VOGADORS – ROWERS. Their projects reflects inteligent understanding of space. Local tradition and culture as well as an inovative use of simple classic materials.




Núria Salvadó, David Tapias_ Nursery School in Pratdip

Blancafort-Reus Arquitectura_ Home for three sisters in Bullas

Josep Camps i Olga Felip_ Swimming pool, changing rooms and sports center in Jesús

Francisco Cifuentes Utrero_ House in Bunyola

Meritxell Inaraja_ Restoration of Barcelona’s mint as a cul­tural center of magic

SMS arquitectos_ Expansion of IES Josep Sureda i Blanes in Palma

Bosch.Capdeferro Arquitectures_ Collage house in Girona

Jaime J. Ferrer Forés_ Restoration of the Can Ribas factory in Palma

David Sebastian i Gerard Puig_ School of Art and Design in Amposta



Catalan & Balearic Threads: hard materiality for a permeable architecture

»He who forges ahead creating something new does so like an oarsman, moving forward but back-paddling, looking behind him, towards the past, towards what exists, so as to be able to reinvent its underpinnings.« Jorge Oteiza


Rowing: At an extraordinarily difficult juncture for architecture, a new generation of architects has emerged in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands. They seek to navigate the turbulent waters of the present to find their  path towards the future but all the while retain a complicit regard for the past.


VOGADORS is a clear commitment to the future presenting a selection of 9 works from some of the most outstanding young Catalan and Balearic architects, all of them with a shared sensibility. These works also illustrate a different way of going about things in response to the growing demand on the part of society for what is necessary for community life.


The exhibition documents a sober architecture that uses very simple materials but is of a tremendous technical and intellectual sophistication and includes a strong social and ethical component enabling skillful construction with mindful openness to the environment, people and life without abandoning the most abstract and visual sentimental values. It is the architecture of a generation that seeks to return to traditional values of meaning and continuity. An architecture that wants to adress social contingencies, sustainability as the only path to survival and also the economy of means from an ethical, technical and intellectual standpoint. An architecture common to architects and inhabitants whose primary objective is one of the ethics and social harmony. This exhibition represented Catalonia and the Balearic Islands in the 13th Biennale of Architecture in Venice 2012.



_ event_ architectural exhibition and lecture

_ lecture_ Monday, 3.3.2014 at 6 pm at Ljubljana Faculty of Architecture

_ curators_ architects Jordi Badia and Félix Arranz

_ organizor_ Dessa Gallery: Maja Ivanič, Majda Cajnko, Tomaž Krušec, Katarina Čakš

_ co-organizor_ Ljubljana Faculty of Architecture, Association of Architects of Ljubljana

_ The exhibition is sponsored by Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia.

_ The exhibition is promoted by Institut Ramon Llull, Col.legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya, Col.legi oficial d'Arquitectes Illes Balears and Embajada de España en Eslovenia.