On May 28th at 18.00 the Museum of Architecture and Design in Ljubljana will host a debate with the winners and nominees of the Plečnik Prize. In the form of short lectures they will be presenting their visions of good architecture.


The Plečnik Prize is a public prize for achievements in spatial planning, architectural theory, critique and publishing and contributions to the developement of architectural culture and promotion. The debate will include the following prize winners and nominees:

Lena in Tomaž Krušec, ARK Arhitektura Krušec

Gregor Reichenberg, Reichenberg arhitektura
Pia Mikolič, EASA013
Rok Jereb in Blaž Budja, Jereb in Budja arhitekti
Peter Gabrijelčič, Arhitektura d.o.o.
Iztok Hvala
Boris Bežan, MX_SI architectural studio
Dean Lah in Milan Tomac, Enota
Primož Žitnik, Ravnikar Potokar arhitekturni biro
Miha Kajzelj, Modular arhitekti


The event is organized in cooperation with Society of Architects Ljubljana - Foundation Jože Plečnik, Dessa Gallery and Museum of Architecture and Design.